Thursday 14 April 2011

How to: steadicam

Today’s how to...Build your own steadicam for cheap. I’ve seen many videos on building steadicams and believe me most of the ways I’ve seen are pretty difficult. So to give myself a challenge I made my own. Everything that I used was earthier parts i had laying around or i went to the hardware store and picked up a few things. I’ll give you a list of tools and things needed.

Power drill
Metal rod that can be bent
A pivoting handle
Washers, nuts and bolts
Glue gun
Spray paint (if you want)

Now for the pivoting handle, I had to design my own since I didn’t have one. I basically cut a piece of copper piping about half inch and found a door hinge that had a ball at the end of it. I put the door hinge through the half inch piece of copper piping and flare in the edges so the ball doesn’t hinge doesn’t fall out and you have your ghetto pivoting handle.

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